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Herbs That Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Natural Herbs to Relieve Pain and InflammationHerbs are often forgotten when people think about health-promoting foods. This is a shame because they are so beneficial to our health. Each herb has its own beneficial qualities, and these work synergistically with other herbs and foods to allow the body to maintain optimal health. There are a few herbs that are especially beneficial to those with conditions such as Gout, runner’s knee, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, back pain, or Arthritis.

Herbs tend to have a cumulative effect on your body so the benefits of adding them to your diet can be slow to recognize. Meaning that they need to build up a little bit before you will see benefits. Some herbs can easily be added into your everyday cooking and they provide amazing benefits, while others are better used as a supplement. Following are just a few examples of exceptional herbs for dealing with pain and inflammation.


Garlic is a well-known bulb that has been used for ages for its health promoting qualities. Garlic is an anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation, as well as pain. It is best eaten raw in pesto sauce, homemade dressings, or other things. This is because the beneficial active ingredients in garlic are destroyed after it has been cooked. You can also make a garlic-infused oil to use topically in order to help with pain like those with Runner’s Knee or back pain might experience.


A popular remedy for those with arthritis is to mix a little warm water with honey and cinnamon. People report reduced pain when they consume this drink. Cinnamon helps to reduce pain because of its prostaglandin-inhibiting effect.


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Turmeric: Nature's Ingredient

Turmeric There is a component of turmeric called curcumin, which has many benefits for the human body. Most notably it is used to ease pain and help reduce inflammation. People might use it to help with things like fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, Runner's Knee, Lupus, Gout and while recovering from an injury. These people might otherwise use non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) or over the counter pain relieving pills to help ease their pain. But these medications can actually contribute to a person’s overall inflammatory load and thus contribute to their pain. NSAIDs and over the counter pain relievers come with other risks as well such as damage to the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, and cardiovascular system. There are studies that show that curcumin can be a very real alternative to many medications.

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Eating to Rebuild Cartilage: Copper Part 2

How to Rebuild Cartilage with the Foods You EatCartilage serves a number of different functions in the body. For the joints, it acts as a pad to reduce friction and prevent damage. Over time, cartilage can be damaged and deteriorate. When this occurs, the bones no longer have the protection that they need at the joint, and it can result in pain, inflammation and a lack of mobility.

A lack of cartilage at a joint will result in osteoarthritis. This condition can affect any joint, but it is especially common in the knees, hips, wrists, and elbows. To address conditions surrounding cartilage injury and deterioration, doctors may offer a number of solutions. They might recommend pain management strategies, supplements, physical therapy, and in severe cases, they might recommend surgery.

In addressing cartilage loss or damage, the body needs to be able to rebuild the tissue structures at the joint. To produce the fibers that make up cartilage, you need to ensure that you have a balanced diet that provides all of the necessary nutrients for building the tissue.

For people that suffer from the pain that comes with cartilage loss, there are a number of foods that can be used to help your body rebuild the cartilage at joints.

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10 Reasons to Use a Topical Pain Reliever

topical pain relieverIf you have any curiosities about why so many people are using topical pain relievers to find relief, here is an infographic to explain 10 valid reasons!

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How Berries Can Help Fight Pain and Inflammation

How Berries Help Fight Pain and InflammationMost people can easily identify what a berry is at the grocery store or on a berry bush. They are delicious little bursts of flavor that grow on bushes and small plants close to the ground. They are usually brightly colored and are often round in shape. There are many varieties of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black raspberries, black currants, red currants, gooseberries, and elderberries. There are other, more obscure varieties, but these are the ones most common in our North American culture.

Berries are traditionally eaten raw, cooked down and preserved with sugar as a jam or jelly to be eaten in the winter months, or baked into pies and other desserts. Eating them raw will pack the most nutritional punch, since cooking them destroys their beneficial qualities. Berries are easy to pick off of their plants making it a fun activity to do with children. Blueberry picking is especially easy for older people since the plant bears fruit right at chest level. And you will get some good fresh air!

How Can They Help?

Berries are packed with natural anthocyanins, which are the chemical components that give berries their intense color. This natural chemical is helpful because it cleans out the damaging free-radical molecules that can cause inflammation and pain. Berries are so packed with this beneficial natural chemical that they out-perform all other fruits and vegetables in their ability to clean out free-radicals. Even more powerful than broccoli! This should come as a relief to most people since berries are so delicious!

Berries should be eaten by people suffering from conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, Runner's Knee, Lupus, Gout, or while recovering from an injury because they can help to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with these conditions.

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How Menthol Relieves Pain

How Menthol Relieves PainMenthol is one of Nature’s Ingredients that provides effective pain relief. One research study discovered that menthol relieves pain by 95%. Menthol is derived from the plant family genus mentha, you probably refer to it as the peppermint or mint plant. However, the best menthol for pain relief is acquired from the oils of wild mint or corn mint.

Did you know that Menthol relieves pain in 3 ways?

#1) When applied topically in the form of a lotion, gel, or cream it acts as a natural analgesic. Molecules from the Menthol called ‘ligands’ absorb into the skin and attach to kappa Opioid receptors in your cells and cause them to change, producing a numbing effect.

#2) Menthol also works as a vasodilator. This means that where it is applied it causes blood vessels to widen, which increases blood flow in the area. This sends extra nutrients to the area and can help with cellular repair.

#3) It provides a cooling sensation because it stimulates the skin’s thermoreceptors, which send the brain a signal that is interpreted as cold. It doesn’t actually change the temperature, but it is great for relieving the heat that is caused by inflammation.

If you are interested in using menthol to relieve your pain, it is important that you find the right source for pain relief containing menthol. This is because many topical pain relievers use too much menthol, which can actually cause damage and irritation to your skin. The FDA has released statements warning people about products that contain greater than 3% menthol content (1).

This is why Real Time Pain Relief is committed to only putting enough Menthol to provide pain relief but NO burning sensation or risk of injury for our customers. Every single one of our Real Time Pain Relief products that contain menthol is made with this standard in mind.

For more information about Natural Ingredients to Relieve Pain, (Click Here)

Foods that Help Rebuild Cartilage in the Body: Copper Part 1

Foods with Copper can help the body rebuild damaged cartilageIn the body, you have different types of cartilage. The type of cartilage found in the joints is hyaline cartilage. Unlike most other tissue structures in the body, cartilage does not have blood vessels or nerves.

The articular cartilage of the joints is made from a matrix of fibers. The principle composition of this matrix is made up of water, collagen and proteoglycans. In the rebuilding of cartilage at the joints, it is important for the body to be able to produce enough collagen.

Collagen is one of the most common proteins in the body. It is made up of amino acids like glycine and proline. For the body to produce the collagen needed to repair joints, the individual will have to consume the nutrients that are needed for the production of these amino acids.

While supplements can help to provide some of the nutrients that you will need, getting them through your regular diet can be beneficial. Nutrients that can help the body to rebuild cartilage include vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Copper, Iron and vitamin A.

(Click Here) to watch a video all about how Copper is beneficial in the formation of cartilage.

Health Benefits of Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile Reduces Pain and SwellingAnthemis Nobilis (often called Roman Chamomile or English Chamomile) is a perennial herb that has been cultivated for its health benefits and used by humans for over 2,000 years. One of the earliest records of humans using chamomile tea is from the early Egyptians, and later the Saxons and Moors. Often the oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant and is used in health products, beauty products, and aromatherapy. Oil extraction is performed on the plant after steam distillation and is used in a variety of ways, although the most current use is topically or through aromatherapy. The benefits of chamomile seem to never end when it comes to taking care of your skin and the rest of your body. Researchers are discovering new ways to use chamomile to help us live healthier and stronger.

Applying chamomile extract topically to the skin will also help reduce inflammation and swelling in muscles and joints. Because of its ability to calm the activity of inflammation and helps to regulate blood flow, it helps to reduce blood pressure in the veins and the swelling of blood vessels. When looking for a topical pain reliever, check to see if it includes Roman Chamomile (or Anthemis Nobilis) because it would be a great addition to any topical analgesic. Chamomile is also used in other areas of the body that are susceptible to pain, such as headaches, sinus pressure and other sinus conditions, toothaches, and various other skin/muscle/bone injuries that may occur.

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Willow Bark: Nature's Aspirin

Willow Bark can reduce painDid you know Willow Bark is considered "nature's aspirin"?

Willow bark is famous for reducing pain from various conditions that involve injury to the muscles or bones, and works as a natural fever reducer. From simple problems like sore feet or an occasional headache, willow bark is perfect. Even more chronic pain such as everyday back pain, arthritis, or other common issues with inflammation can be helped with the use of willow bark.

Willow bark is known to regulate prostaglandins, reducing inflammation in the body. It inhibits cyclooxygenase (a prostaglandin synthesis), which can help reduce the pain of conditions like osteoarthritis. In 2004 a study published in the Journal of Rheumatology found that osteoarthritis patients who took willow bark extract with 240mg of salicin reduced their pain by 14% versus those that took a placebo.

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How Gluten Can Make Pain and Inflammation Worse

gluten-and-inflammationWhat is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein substance that is found in cereal grains like wheat, kamut, spelt, rye, barley and most oats. Is has a glue-like quality that helps baked goods stick together and gives bread a fluffy texture. Commercial producers of bread, pasta, and other bakery products like to use grains that contain gluten in their baked goods because it is the most well known. Gluten can also be found in other products hidden in the ingredients list with names such as:

  • Glucose (which is a sugar that can be derived from gluten.)
  • Vitamin E (which can be derived from gluten grains.)
  • Modified food starch (which usually comes from wheat.)
  • Natural Flavorings (especially caramel which usually comes from barley.)
  • Maltodextrin (which usually comes from wheat.)

Why Does It Cause Problems For Some?

Gluten can cause a whole host of problems such as Keratosis Pilaris, digestive upset, nutrient deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, mood disorders, dark circles under your eyes, brain fog, migraines and headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, as well as painful swollen joints.

Gluten can also increase the amount of inflammation in your body, along with other foods. If gluten is not tolerated well by your digestive system it will cause damage to your intestines, and then the proteins can leak out into your bloodstream where they are not supposed to be. These rogue proteins cause inflammation and worsen pain.

Conventional crops that contain gluten are often sprayed with chemicals that can also irritate the intestines and are bad for our bodies. These chemicals can also create inflammation in the body since they are hard for the body to eliminate and detoxify from. Eating organic foods will eliminate this factor. If you are sensitive to gluten, then eating organic and gluten-free is even better for you.

What Can You Eat Instead?

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After 3 days ,I have no more pain in my elbow .....I am so very grateful to have found your site...thank you,thank you,thank you
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Donna H - Lynnfield, Massachusetts

"RTPR kept the bites from itching for several hours! People are constantly discovering new uses for this product, so if you have any place that hurts, don't be afraid to try it." Darlene M - Snellville, Georgia
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Darlene M - Snellville, Georgia

I had fell last July on my tailbone...part of my leg goes to sleep and hurts at the same time but I put real time on it and the pain goes away...
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Donna G. - Sallisaw, Oklahoma

Lord this stuff gave me relief like no other I brought this stuff and will use nothing else...I have told and shared my rub with several people whom feel the same as I do about this Real Time Pain Relief. I live it.
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Christal S. - Louisville, Kentucky

My wife tried RTPR with HEMP...It cut the pain tremendously. We have been using for about 5 years now. Now added the hand sanitizer to purchases. Very satisfied.
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I do not have any image to add but this RTPR really works and it is very concentrated.
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