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Blog - Tag: Chronic Pain

Is Office Syndrome Affecting You?


An office job is safe in the sense that you don’t have to suffer in the heat of summer or endure bone chilling temperatures in the winter. And, your boss at the office will probably never ask you to do anything that is hazardous like climb on a roof or use heavy tools or machinery. Many people are thankful for their office job because it is known as less risky employment.

Despite this, did you know that an office job does actually pose risks to your health? It is known as Office Syndrome and it is typically found in office workers who spend many hours in front of a computer. Symptoms include headaches, shoulder and back pain, numb fingers and arms, weak eyesight, and dry eyes. Without some preventative measures being taken, it is possible that ‘Office Syndrome’ can lead to a slipped vertebral disc, and in severe cases, paralysis. The age range for those affected by Office Syndrome is 16-35 years old, within this age range there is a 55% chance that an office employee will be diagnosed with it.

You may wonder what causes this?

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Chronic Pain and Depression?

chronic-pain-and-depressionIt is unfortunate but chronic pain tends to cause many to also suffer from depression. Researchers believe this occurs because of the changes that pain causes to the brain pathways and the nervous system. Not only does the brain use the neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, to regulate a person’s mood but it also uses them to divert the signals of pain and discomfort. When the body succeeds at this, these neurotransmitters divert the brain’s focus away from pain and have it focus on the external world. For some reason, this shutoff mechanism for chronic pain sufferers seems to be impaired, causing a perpetual cycle of pain and also often leads too many to also suffer from feelings of sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness.

All too often, depression is overlooked and untreated by doctors. They tend to just focus on the patient’s symptoms of pain. Constant pain not only affects the physical being but also the emotions. When you feel hopeless you also have trouble sleeping, lose your appetite, lack energy, and find it hard to be active-- all of which make pain intensify.

For the reasons listed above, it is imperative that those who suffer from chronic pain also try to do things to cope with the depression that accompanies it.

Our latest article shares 6 valuable insights and tips about how to cope with this depression. To check out this article, (Click Here)

For details about Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain, (Click Here)

To learn about 12 Natural Ingredients that Relieve Chronic Pain, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and infographics to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

Natural Ingredients to Relieve Chronic Pain, Part 2

How to relieve pain with natural ingredientsFor those suffering from chronic pain, it’s hard to find relief from medicine that doesn’t make you deal with a long list of side effects. Those who experience conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica and other degenerative illnesses may find alternative benefits in natural ingredients for treating their painful symptoms.

People who experience pain on a day-to-day basis are sometimes willing to try anything and are often searching for ways to treat their condition without causing liver or kidney damage from regularly prescribed painkillers or over-the-counter pain medication. That’s why millions are turning to natural ingredients to fight their pain and live healthy lives. There’s hope for relief with several natural ingredients that can be found in various products and foods. They are known to help relieve the constant feeling of pain and get you back to enjoying life.

We have found some of the best natural ingredients that you can find anywhere on the market; they are the most famous for reducing pain and inflammation in the body. These ingredients are safe, effective, natural, inexpensive, and easy to come by. Here we take a look at natural ingredients people with chronic pain are finding to be most helpful in relieving their symptoms.

To watch the video, (Click Here)

For more details about Natural Ingredients to Relieve Chronic Pain, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

Natural Ingredients to Relieve Chronic Pain

natural-ingredients-to-relieve-chronic-painFor those suffering from chronic pain, it’s hard to find relief from medicine that doesn’t make you deal with a long list of side effects. Those who experience conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica and other degenerative illnesses may find alternative benefits in natural ingredients for treating their painful symptoms.

People who experience pain on a day-to-day basis are sometimes willing to try anything and are often searching for ways to treat their condition without causing liver or kidney damage from regularly prescribed painkillers or over-the-counter pain medication. That’s why millions are turning to natural ingredients to fight their pain and live healthy lives. There’s hope for relief with several natural ingredients that can be found in various products and foods. They are known to help relieve the constant feeling of pain and get you back to enjoying life.

We have found some of the best natural ingredients that you can find anywhere on the market; they are the most famous for reducing pain and inflammation in the body. These ingredients are safe, effective, natural, inexpensive, and easy to come by. Here we take a look at natural ingredients people with chronic pain are finding to be most helpful in relieving their symptoms.

(Click Here) to View the Video

For more Information about Natural Ingredients to Relieve Chronic Pain

Do You Suffer from Text Neck?

do-you-have-text-neckThese days almost everyone has some sort of tablet, phone, or device that they spend a good amount of time looking down at. But, did you know that this is starting to cause neck and upper back problems...even for young kids?

‘Text Neck’ is a term that doctors have started using to refer to the neck pain and damage that is becoming prevalent for their patients. They have linked it to the frequent and numerous hours that many people spend hunched over looking at some type of wireless device.   

A study recently revealed that 79% of people between 18-44 years of age carry their cell phones with them at all times. An even more staggering statistic is that only 2 hours during their time awake is spent without their phone on them.

Symptoms of text neck include:

  • Pain and stiffness in the neck
  • Pain in the upper back that can be nagging and sharp, and can include severe muscle spasms.
  • Tight and tense shoulders, which may also cause muscle spasms in the shoulder.
  • In severe cases, nerves can become pinched in the cervical area, leading to pain that radiates all the way to your hand, as well as other issues.

If you believe that you may suffer from Text Neck, there are measures that you can take to stop the progression of this ailment. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, you can benefit from the following tips because it means you can implement new methods and prevent it from eventually occurring to you.  Click Here to Continue Reading about How to Prevent or Relieve Text Neck

For information about How to Improve Your Posture, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!


Is a Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Your Pain?

chronic-pain-and-vitamin-dDo you suffer from chronic pain? Did you know that doctors have found that a Vitamin D deficiency is causing many individuals to suffer from body aches and pains? In 2005, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey discovered that 2/3s of Americans were not receiving enough Vitamin D. Some researchers have concluded that Vitamin D helps relieve pain by aiding in the absorption of calcium, which aids in bone repair and growth. Another recent study showed that “93% of 150 people with unexplained sources of pain were recently found to be deficient in Vitamin D levels.”

According to some doctors, those who come into their office to discuss the aches and pains that they feel in their bones often end up being misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

You may be wondering how to figure out if you are deficient in Vitamin D.  (Click Here to Continue Reading)

For more information about Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”

Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

foods-that-reduce-inflammationAre you trying to eat healthier so that you can relieve inflammation? Here are some great ideas to add to your grocery list. These are just a few foods known to produce the best results.

Tart Cherries: In 2012, the Oregon Health & Science University claimed that tart cherries contain the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.” Eating 1.5 cups of tart cherries or drinking an 8 oz. glass of tart cherry juice will provide the anti-inflammatory benefits that you desire. 

(Click Here) to Learn About the Others!

For more information about Foods that Reduce Arthritis Pain, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

Are You at Risk for Office Syndrome?

office-syndromeHave you ever heard of Office Syndrome? It is striking people who work in offices and have to sit in one position for long periods of time. The most common age range for those affected by ‘Office Syndrome’ is 16-35 years old. In this age category of office workers, there is a 55% chance of being diagnosed with this illness.

There are a few reasons that professionals believe this illness is caused.

#1) Many people do not use good posture while they sit at their desk. Common tendencies for many people is to hunch the shoulders, cross the legs, lean back too far in their chair, curve the back, or hold the neck at odd angles.

#2) Your desk or office station may not be set up or designed specifically for you. For instance, the height of your table may be wrong, your chair may not provide the right support for you, or the distance that your computer, keyboard, and mouse are away from you may be causing body strain.

These two factors combined with the fact that most employees are at work for at least 5 days a week, every week, barring the occasional vacation, often leads to the development of pain in many parts of the body. Areas that commonly suffer are the neck, hands, back, hips, knees, shoulders, wrists, and even the eyes.  To Continue Reading and to Learn About Ways to Relieve it, (Click Here)

For details about Tips to Improve Your Posture, (Click Here)

You may also want to check out “Devices to Improve Posture.” If so (Click Here). This article is a great resource for available gadgets and tips to improve your posture.

We also have an 18 tip article dedicated to Relieving Pain from the Workplace, to read it, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

10 Ways to Relieve Inflammation

how-to-treat-inflammationAre you looking for ways to reduce painful inflammation? Here are 10 Tips that might help you reduce inflammation.

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”

How Does Stress Affect My Chronic Pain?

how-does-stress-affect-chronic-painWhen we stress, our heart rate goes up, our blood pressure rises, our muscles tense up and contract, and our breathing becomes fast and erratic. To cause these physical reactions, our body releases hormones: Adrenaline, Norepinephrine, and Cortisol.

The reactions that these chemicals cause are amazing in times of fear and when you need to react to survive. For instance, in the event that you need to run away from a bear, the reactions that these stress hormones cause may save your life. However, it is not healthy for your body to deal with these chemicals all the time.

But, in today's world, it is not easy to prevent this from occuring because much of our fear and worry occurs when we sit down to pay bills, deal with a controversy, or try to finish a work project; it can be difficult to keep from constantly stressing.

Some research has shown that even the process of thinking about stressful things, or a stressful event, almost immediately increases tension in the back muscles. This often aggravates any underlying conditions causing your chronic pain.

How does this affect your chronic pain? To Continue Reading, (Click Here)

For more information about Ways to Manage Chronic Pain, (Click Here)




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..."RTPR" where have you been all my life? This made a believer out of me!
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Ann P. - Washington, District of Columbia

...Real Time Pain Relief works like magic on all our aches and pains. Thank you RTPR!
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James F - Sedona, Arizona

I recommend everyone to try Real Time Pain Relief. If you have pain, try this wonderful product...please try this product you will be pleased, Thank You Real Time!
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Marilyn W. - Ellenwood, Georgia

My wife was recently diagnosed with carpal tunnel. Her pain was so bad...I got a sample for her and it helped her so much...Needless to say I ordered her a jar and now we both get a good night's sleep!
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Craig N. - Atalissa, Iowa

"Got a tube of REAL TIME at a manatee festival in Florida. I tried it and the pain in my finger from arthritis subsided a lot. I was surprised as no other ointment has worked."
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Mike - Lake Mary, Florida

KUDOS! Real Time Pain Relief has past the test. RTPR provides comfort to the Arthritis in my right shoulder. At one time I could not sleep on my right side, but I can now thanks to RTPR. I use RTPR all the time for relieving pain all over my body.
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Anthony B - St. Louis, Missouri

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