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How Dairy Can Make Pain and Inflammation Worse

Dairy can make pain and infammation worseMost people think of cows when they think of dairy, and rightly so because most of the dairy on the shelves of Western grocery stores comes from cows in the form of milk, cheese, cream, butter, sour cream, and yogurt. However, there are also dairy products that come from other animals like goats, sheep, and camels that are available at some stores.

Dairy refers to the milk secretions that come from the udders of female animals, which is intended to feed their young, just as many human women nurse their babies.

There are two types of genes in cows called A1 and A2. Most conventional cows bred for dairy production in North America are A1 cows. There is speculation that the milk from A1 cows is harder to digest for some people than the milk from A2 cows. But the conventional system uses milk from A1 cows, mostly black and white Holsteins because they are easier to breed in large numbers to keep up with our high volume of milk consumption.

Why Can It Be Bad?

A lot of people think that dairy is a staple in a healthy diet, but the evidence is showing that this isn’t the case. In fact, the opposite might be true. Dairy could actually be harmful to your health. How?

There are many ways that dairy consumption can be bad for you. Humans actually lose the ability to properly digest the components in all species milked at the age of natural weaning, which is between the ages of 4-7 when you look at worldwide averages from the World Health Organization. This is because human infants are born needing to be able to properly digest their mother’s milk, and then lose the ability when they begin to eat solid foods regularly and no longer need their mother’s milk for survival.

There are many other things in cow’s milk that can be bad for a human to ingest. These include:

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4 Tips to Relieve Stress

Stress and PainThe effects of stress are well known on our mental and emotional wellbeing. However, an important side effect of excessive stress, that is often overlooked, is its impact physically on our bodies. That being said, stress and pain have a very close association with one another. In other words: stress causes pain AND pain causes stress.

Therefore, a huge component of pain relief is stress management. Our bodies tell our brains when we are in pain by sending signals through our nervous system. But, stress affects our nervous system too. The medical director of the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Steven Stanos, DO, explains the only way we continue to function while in pain is due to our brain’s efforts of maintaining balance while receiving these pain signals. But unfortunately, when we’re stressed out our brain has a much more difficult time filtering through these signals and pain can increase. This stress-pain connection is something actively being researched but in the meantime it can be concluded that learning healthy ways to cope and minimize stress makes significant improvements in pain management.

Here are some ways to start combating that pain-increasing stress that no one wants: (Click Here) to Continue Reading

Herbs That Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Natural Herbs to Relieve Pain and InflammationHerbs are often forgotten when people think about health-promoting foods. This is a shame because they are so beneficial to our health. Each herb has its own beneficial qualities, and these work synergistically with other herbs and foods to allow the body to maintain optimal health. There are a few herbs that are especially beneficial to those with conditions such as Gout, runner’s knee, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, back pain, or Arthritis.

Herbs tend to have a cumulative effect on your body so the benefits of adding them to your diet can be slow to recognize. Meaning that they need to build up a little bit before you will see benefits. Some herbs can easily be added into your everyday cooking and they provide amazing benefits, while others are better used as a supplement. Following are just a few examples of exceptional herbs for dealing with pain and inflammation.


Garlic is a well-known bulb that has been used for ages for its health promoting qualities. Garlic is an anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation, as well as pain. It is best eaten raw in pesto sauce, homemade dressings, or other things. This is because the beneficial active ingredients in garlic are destroyed after it has been cooked. You can also make a garlic-infused oil to use topically in order to help with pain like those with Runner’s Knee or back pain might experience.


A popular remedy for those with arthritis is to mix a little warm water with honey and cinnamon. People report reduced pain when they consume this drink. Cinnamon helps to reduce pain because of its prostaglandin-inhibiting effect.


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How Cooking Oils Affect Inflammation

How Oils Affect InflammationOils in History

Oils have been used in cooking throughout history. The most readily available oils for cooking in ancient times were animal fats like pig’s lard and tallow, which is the fat that surrounds a cow’s kidneys. These were rendered down and used in cooking. Eventually people developed the ability to extract oils from other things like plants and seeds. This gave way to people using oils such as olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

It has more recently been discovered, however, that not all oils are created equally. Some oils can cause major health issues for people with chronic pain or inflammation from conditions such as Gout, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, back pain, or Arthritis. It is critically important to select the right oil for your dishes, whether you are using the oil for cooking or using it to make a dressing or sauce.

Which Oils Are Beneficial and How Are They Used?

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8 Tips to Stay Motivated

How to Motivate Yourself- Yes You Can!Motivation is defined by the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. No matter who you are, how successful you are, what you have accomplished, the magnitude of your goals or your enthusiasm to reach them, there are times when you will lack motivation. Everyone has a point in time where they feel paralyzed with no desire to do anything at all. This is what has been coined as the ugly phrase, "lack of motivation." Absence of motivation leads to procrastination, reluctance, and ultimately unhappiness.

This sounds like a dead-end street, doesn't it? But it is quite the opposite- you have control over your flow of motivation; you just have to harness it.

So what can you do when you have misplaced your motivation?

1. Look for it!

Take a break from the task at hand. Enjoy some time outside. Dance in the kitchen. Relax. And THEN get back to it. Remember: it is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

2. Act like it!

Although you have established that you aren't feeling very enthusiastic or motivated, pretend that you are. Remember what Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right."

3. Do Not Fear Failure!

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5 Ways to Improve Balance

5 ways to improve balanceBalance is needed for absolutely everything we do. However, it is not something we are born with or guaranteed to maintain throughout our lifetime. It is quite the opposite. Instead, physical balance is a learned skill that we are continuously utilizing even when we don’t recognize it. When we use the word ‘balance’, often the thought of a gymnast on a beam, or a tightrope walker on a wire comes to mind. But, what about thinking about the ability to walk steadily? Did you know that balance even has the potential to prevent injuries overall? As you can tell, balance is key to many of our everyday activities and safety, and it is not all about standing on one foot with your finger on your nose either. There are many different components as to what constitutes our balance: muscular strength, sensory perception, vision, and practice. Luckily, we have the ability to practice most of these things that contribute to our balance. But how? Here are some suggestions:

1.Walk Heel to Toe

Sounds simple, right? Try walking 25 steps forward in a straight line. With each step, focus on keeping the pattern your heels striking the ground first and then your toes to follow. Once you have completed going forward. Begin walking backwards, but with your toe striking down and then your heel, for 25 steps as well. This is something that can be done daily or at your convenience (and you don’t need any special equipment!).

2. Focus on Your Force

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Cupping: Are There Any Side Effects?

Are There Any Side Effects of CuppingAs people search for different treatment options for things like pain and illness, many consider different types of alternative or complementary medicine. Either as a standalone treatment or to assist other remedies, many of these alternatives can be quite effective.

Among the many forms of alternative medicine that are out there, you may come across the practice of cupping. This is an ancient form of medicine that has been practiced in Eastern cultures and manuscripts from Ancient Egypt have been found that describe the practice of cupping.

In cupping, a therapist places cups on different points of the body to create suction. Most commonly, the cups are made from glass, but you may also find plastic or bamboo cups to be used. Depending on the practitioner and the condition that they are trying to address, different techniques and methods may be used.

For some, cupping may be used as a standalone treatment, but it is commonly used as a complement to other forms of treatment like acupuncture and massage.

You may wonder if there are any side effects to this form of treatment... (Click Here) to watch the video "Are There Any Side Effects of Cupping? Part 1"

How Berries Can Help Fight Pain and Inflammation

How Berries Help Fight Pain and InflammationMost people can easily identify what a berry is at the grocery store or on a berry bush. They are delicious little bursts of flavor that grow on bushes and small plants close to the ground. They are usually brightly colored and are often round in shape. There are many varieties of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black raspberries, black currants, red currants, gooseberries, and elderberries. There are other, more obscure varieties, but these are the ones most common in our North American culture.

Berries are traditionally eaten raw, cooked down and preserved with sugar as a jam or jelly to be eaten in the winter months, or baked into pies and other desserts. Eating them raw will pack the most nutritional punch, since cooking them destroys their beneficial qualities. Berries are easy to pick off of their plants making it a fun activity to do with children. Blueberry picking is especially easy for older people since the plant bears fruit right at chest level. And you will get some good fresh air!

How Can They Help?

Berries are packed with natural anthocyanins, which are the chemical components that give berries their intense color. This natural chemical is helpful because it cleans out the damaging free-radical molecules that can cause inflammation and pain. Berries are so packed with this beneficial natural chemical that they out-perform all other fruits and vegetables in their ability to clean out free-radicals. Even more powerful than broccoli! This should come as a relief to most people since berries are so delicious!

Berries should be eaten by people suffering from conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, Runner's Knee, Lupus, Gout, or while recovering from an injury because they can help to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with these conditions.

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Foods that Help Rebuild Cartilage in the Body: Copper Part 1

Foods with Copper can help the body rebuild damaged cartilageIn the body, you have different types of cartilage. The type of cartilage found in the joints is hyaline cartilage. Unlike most other tissue structures in the body, cartilage does not have blood vessels or nerves.

The articular cartilage of the joints is made from a matrix of fibers. The principle composition of this matrix is made up of water, collagen and proteoglycans. In the rebuilding of cartilage at the joints, it is important for the body to be able to produce enough collagen.

Collagen is one of the most common proteins in the body. It is made up of amino acids like glycine and proline. For the body to produce the collagen needed to repair joints, the individual will have to consume the nutrients that are needed for the production of these amino acids.

While supplements can help to provide some of the nutrients that you will need, getting them through your regular diet can be beneficial. Nutrients that can help the body to rebuild cartilage include vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Copper, Iron and vitamin A.

(Click Here) to watch a video all about how Copper is beneficial in the formation of cartilage.


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Best stuff ever. Received mine as a sample. Wasn't sure what to believe. My knees were bothering me and I thought what the heck, I'll try it. OMGosh, [relieved it]. You gotta try this!
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Leslie - Ashland, Virginia

This stuff is good! You will need enough to cover the affected area. Works better if you first spread it thickly and rub it in. Worked on my knee pain...
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Thank You Real Time Pain Relief...Thank You for giving us our lives back. No pain, no pills, and no smelly balms. The best part is it helps heal the hurt. Lasting Pain Relief - Fast. Thank You!
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This product is amazing. I purchased some last year at the fair and love it. I need to get more. It is the only thing that has helped the pain in my hands...I get a restful sleep. I highly recommend this
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