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Butternut Squash is Food for Healthy Joints!

butternut-squash-health-benefitsSince it is fall, you may notice that butternut squash is in wide abundance at your grocery store. If you are trying to figure out what to make for dinner, you should pick up a butternut squash, especially if you are looking for food that is good for the health of your joints.

Butternut squash has more Vitamin A than all other squash, even pumpkin. For this reason, if you have arthritis or have suffered a recent joint injury, it would be a great food to include in your diet because Vitamin A plays an important role in stimulating the growth of cell structures throughout the body. Studies have also shown that vitamin A can assist with the production of cartilage.

When most people think of vitamin A, they most likely think of the benefits that it has for their vision. But, the body uses Vitamin A for so much more, including the health of your cartilage.

This isn’t the only nutritious element of butternut squash; it also contains ample amounts of Vitamin C, Potassium, B vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, and calcium. All of these vitamins and minerals help improve the health of muscles, bones, and cartilage, as well as healthy nerve and immune functioning.  (Click Here to continue reading and to learn an effortless way to cook butternut squash!)

To Learn about How to Eat to Rebuild Cartilage in Joints, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

The Importance of Collagen in the Body

collagenAre you aware of the role that collagen plays in the health of your cartilage? We have created a short video to provide education about the importance of collagen for healthy joints.

To watch the video, (Click Here)

For Information about Foods to Eat to Rebuild Cartilage and Collagen, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”


Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

foods-that-reduce-inflammationAre you trying to eat healthier so that you can relieve inflammation? Here are some great ideas to add to your grocery list. These are just a few foods known to produce the best results.

Tart Cherries: In 2012, the Oregon Health & Science University claimed that tart cherries contain the “highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.” Eating 1.5 cups of tart cherries or drinking an 8 oz. glass of tart cherry juice will provide the anti-inflammatory benefits that you desire. 

(Click Here) to Learn About the Others!

For more information about Foods that Reduce Arthritis Pain, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

health-benefits-from-petsEveryone knows that owning a pet is FUN! But, did you know that research has found numerous health benefits to owning one or more pets?

Medical Professionals have shown that owning an animal can positively affect every aspect of one's health. Whether it be mental health, physical health, or developmental health, pets are an all-around positive influence.

It has also been shown that children experience many benefits from interacting with and caring for a pet. We compiled a list of 12 health benefits that are experienced from owning a pet. Here are the first 3!  To Watch the Video, (Click Here)

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”

The Age-Defying Health Benefits of Swimming

health-benefits-of-swimmingYou have probably heard that swimming is good for your health, but do know that there are 12 amazing reasons to start tomorrow?!?

Here is Part 1 of 3.

(Click Here) to Watch the Video

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”

What Gets You Motivated?

inspirational-story-of-natalie-du toit

What goals and dreams keep you motivated when it gets tough? Natalie's story is so inspirational. We could all learn alot from her!

(Click Here) to Watch the Video

We would love for you to tell us what motivates you and keeps you dreaming in our comment section!

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

At Real Time Pain Relief, we not only care about the quality ingredients that go into each and every one of our products – but also about the people who buy them. We hope this blog, and the articles posted on it, become a valued resource for your own personal journey to better health. We know natural products that reduce your pain at the source are important to you, and for more than 17 years, our Real Time Pain Relief rub-on has been providing fast acting, targeted pain relief with natural ingredients to thousands of satisfied customers. From the useful information on this blog to our high-quality natural products, we hope you become one of the thousands of customers telling us they “Enjoy Living Again!”

Whole Grains: Healthy Alternatives to Reduce Inflammation

healthy-whole-grain-alternatives-to-wheatI am sure that you have heard that your diet has a major impact on improving your health and that it can even help you relieve inflammation and improve the symptoms of certain conditions like Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Chronic Pain.

Often, when people tell you about foods to avoid, you will hear that you should stay away from refined grains. This is because refined grains have been processed to give them a longer shelf life. As a result of this process, most of the beneficial fibers and nutrients are removed from the grain.

Many researchers believe that wheat and wheat flour are causing problems for people’s body, especially when it comes to blood sugar and inflammation. This is because wheat causes the blood sugar to spike, which causes a chemical reaction in the body that leads to inflammatory diseases like arthritis and heart disease. Many people also find out that they are allergic to gluten, which has a host of uncomfortable symptoms.

Studies have found that the average American consumes 10 servings of refined grains every day. Because of this daunting fact, many nutritionists and health professionals urge people to look for whole grain alternatives to wheat and other gluten containing grains.      (Click Here) to Continue Reading

You can check out our articles and tips to learn a multitude of ways to start relieving your pain naturally!

The Amazing Properties of Aloe Vera

aloe-veraHave you heard about the amazing properties of Aloe Vera? Check out our latest video to find out!

(Click Here) To Watch the Video

Finding Chronic Pain Relief Through Acupuncture

acupuncture-pain-chronicAcupuncture is getting some well-deserved recognition as a legitimate way to reduce the symptoms of chronic pain. It is no longer a foreign “alternative” treatment option, as millions of people are using acupuncture these days to relieve their pain. In fact, a recent study showed that around 3 million Americans use acupuncture every year and the number seems to be growing. Although the true benefits of acupuncture in treating pain is still up for debate, all research that has been conducted shows an improvement in condition when acupuncture is applied, compared to when it is not. Here we take a look at how acupuncture works and how it is used to treat chronic pain. (Continue Reading)

For More on Managing Chronic Pain (Click Here)

Be sure to check out our other Top Lists and Tips!

The Benefits of Pain Support Groups

pain-support-groupSupport groups are one of the most overlooked ways of treating pain. Many suffering from daily pain rarely explore support groups as a way to feel better, which is unfortunate considering the multitude of benefits a person can receive from these groups. Some pain sufferers are nervous about meeting new people, especially if they feel their symptoms might make it difficult to even attend a support group. For those entertaining the idea of attending support groups for pain, you’re headed in the right direction. These groups are often undersold on just how useful they are in making those suffering from chronic pain feel better. (Continue Reading)

For More on managing Chronic Pain (Click Here)

Be sure to check out our other Top Lists and Tips!


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Real Time Wins 3 Awards - to Your Health! The Clean Label Project™ has awarded <span class='notranslate'><span class='notranslate'>Real Time Pain Relief</span></span>’s Hemp Oil formulas 3 awards that will score big for your happiness and health!...Click Here

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I was given a sample of Real time by a distributor in our park. I have used it on my lower back, shoulder and wherever else may be hurting. This stuff works!!
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Kathy - Lakeland, Florida

I have tried so many brands of lip balm. This one not only helps my lips not bleed and peel, but it also works great on the chapped nostrils. I have terrible allergies and blowing my nose constantly makes it painful and raw.
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Tayna C. - Rockford, Illinois

I tried the sample I received and really believe that it helped me not to wake up hurting so bad in the morning. I rubbed it on for the last time of the day, at night when I got ready to go to bed. Thank you!!!
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Pat C - Oxford, Mississippi

My arm hurt for days and nothing would stop it until my sister emma told me about some real time she had gave me a sample pack to is the best it need to have a ten star thank to emma and real time.
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Mamie I. - Jasper, Florida

I just received the one single pack in the mail, used it on my back, my mother applied it on me and my back felt better and I was able to cook a whole dinner without having to sit down a million times and then my mom told me she was able to close her
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Kelly H - Houma, Louisiana

My wife was recently diagnosed with carpal tunnel. Her pain was so bad...I got a sample for her and it helped her so much...Needless to say I ordered her a jar and now we both get a good night's sleep!
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Craig N. - Atalissa, Iowa

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