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5 Reasons to Use Magnesium Oil Topically

5 Reasons to Use Magnesium Oil

Did you know that magnesium is found in every organ in the human body? Despite this fact, many of us are deficient in this important mineral and it can lead to pain, osteoporosis, migraines, inflammation, and more. Eating foods rich in magnesium and taking supplements can be helpful, but researchers are finding that the body isn't always able to absorb this mineral properly. However, medical professionals have found a more efficient way to boost your magnesium levels ... a topical solution of magnesium. It absorbs into the skin, and the body is able to deliver that nutrient where it needs to without waiting for the magnesium to be processed and absorbed by the body.

Topical application of Magnesium Oil has been providing astounding results when it comes to relief.

Read on to learn about the benefits and understand why Real Time Pain Relief added Magnesium Oil to SPORTS Cream!

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Vitamin C for Pain Relief

Vitamin C for Pain ReliefVitamin C is a water soluble vitamin that our bodies need to maintain health. Your body uses Vitamin C to help it to repair and heal a wide variety of tissues in the body. It is a necessary component of the protein needed to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It helps the body make cartilage, bones, and teeth, and helps your body heal wounds and form scar tissue. Vitamin C also helps your body to properly absorb and utilize iron.

Since it is a powerful anti-oxidant, Vitamin C helps control the aging of our cells and tissues. It does this by scavenging for free radicals that are in the body and eliminating them. Vitamin C deficiency is linked to premature aging and other negative effects of the aging process.

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Turmeric Oil for Topical Relief

Turmeric Oil for Pain and InflammationCurcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant and has strong, proven anti-inflammatory properties. Other components of turmeric that contribute to combating inflammation include turmerin, turmerone, elemene, furanodiene, curdione, bisacurone, cyclocurcumin, calebin A, and germacrone. With all of these components in mind, it is important to note that turmeric is a powerful, safe alternative to conventional painkillers and anti-inflammatories on the market today. Turmeric can be found in different forms including the original root, ground up as a spice, oral supplementation, and as a topical treatment. While all forms of turmeric exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, using it as a topical agent is a controlled, science-backed method to combat local inflammation, swelling, and pain. Our skin is our body’s largest organ, as well as a semi-permeable membrane. In other words, most of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. This is why topical use turmeric is so effective! Here are only a few of the ways that topical use of turmeric can alleviate pain:

(Click Here) to Learn the 4 Benefits of Topical Use of Turmeric Oil

How Activity Helps Reduce Pain

How Exercise Helps With PainWhen we are pain we seem to do all that is in our power to avoid making it worse, right? For some people this may mean limiting most of their activity altogether. Unfortunately, ignoring pain does not make it go away nor does avoiding motions that may cause discomfort. This avoidance, in fact, creates greater problems including weakened muscles, compromised posture, and further joint trouble. However, studies have discovered that regular physical activity aids in the reduction of chronic pain.

Everyone responds to pain differently, but research has been able to harness a quantitative measure to compare levels of pain. Our pain threshold refers to when we begin to feel pain and our pain tolerance is the amount of time we can handle pain before stopping whatever we are doing that is causing it. The vice president with Champion Sports Medicine in Birmingham Alabama, Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, explains, “Exercise improves your pain threshold. With chronic pain, your pain threshold drops -- in other words, it takes less pain to make you feel more uncomfortable. With cardiovascular, strengthening, and flexibility exercise, you can improve that pain threshold.”

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Neuroscience Research Australia studied exactly that.

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How Food Can Cause Inflammation

How Food Causes InflammationMost people think that eating food is a no-brainer - we eat food and we live. But it is not quite that simple. Every person’s body is unique and every person’s body reacts differently to certain foods. Some people experience gastrointestinal upset, mood disorders, skin issues, chronic pain, and many other conditions. This is because some foods cause inflammation in certain people. This inflammation leads to the degeneration of the body’s cells.

Inflammation occurs in some people because foods they eat contribute to, or cause, leaky gut. Leaky gut happens when large molecules get through the gut lining and into the blood stream prematurely. This causes the body to send “soldiers” in to fight these molecules and remove them. This process creates inflammation. Some professionals also believe that certain foods feed viruses that are harboured in the body, causing inflammation as the virus irritates the cells it inhabits as it grows and multiplies into more virus cells.

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How Mindfulness Practice Reduces Pain

How Mindfulness Reduces PainPain is regulated by our nervous system. Our brain alerts us of the pain we feel and it strives to maintain balance in the body. Stress disrupts the brain’s ability to deal with pain signals. Dr. Steven Stanos, medical director of the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, stated, “The brain is always trying to inhibit pain signals. But if you're stressed, simply put, the brain's ability to filter these pain signals is affected in a bad way and pain can be increased.” Research shows that even the process of thinking about something stressful immediately causes increased tension in the back muscles. This tension aggravates any underlying conditions that you may have.

Mindfulness significantly reduces stress levels, anxiety, and feelings of depression. Researchers conducted a study in which participants were placed in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction group. When participants finished this training, scans revealed that in troubling situations they had less neural activity and responses. This means that there wasn’t a large release of stress hormones, leading researchers to the conclusion that mindfulness teaches strategies that help the brain regulate and react to an emotional situation with less stress, thus helping decrease pain levels.

However, some individuals are turned off at the thought of mindfulness because it doesn't seem like something for them.

But what if I told you, to practice mindfulness, you don't have to chant a mantra or imagine yourself somewhere else.

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How Magnesium Relieves Pain

How Magnesium Helps Relieve PainMagnesium is an essential mineral that our bodies need for over 600 cellular processes. Our bodies do not manufacture magnesium; the foods we eat supply the body with magnesium. Researchers believe that some of our conventionally grown foods are deficient in magnesium, which is due to the soil being depleted of certain nutrients. Many researchers recommend that we choose organically grown vegetables since many organic growers replace the nutrients lost through farming, by properly amending the soil.

Many functions in the body rely on Magnesium. It helps to maintain the proper function of the central nervous system and low levels can be associated with changes in brain function and mood. Low magnesium levels are commonly found in people with Alzheimer’s, bipolar disorder, depression, and Autism. People who experience migraine headaches are often found to have low levels of magnesium as well.

Our immune system relies on magnesium to keep us healthy. Low levels of magnesium are associated with a poorly functioning immune system. This is partly because viruses and bacteria are stressors for the body, and when the body is under stress it uses more magnesium. Physical and emotional stress is very common in our modern lives. When we are under stress, the body uses more magnesium to help our minds and bodies cope. This depletes our magnesium stores and lowers our immune system.

The proper function of our muscles is dependent on adequate levels of magnesium. Often people with a low magnesium level will experience muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, and more. Low levels of magnesium affect our muscles’ ability to relax and the body’s pain levels. Pain sufferers are often advised to try increasing their intake of magnesium to see whether it helps to reduce their pain levels.

Magnesium and Pain

Pain in the body is most often caused by inflammation. Inflammation is a sign that something is not functioning well in the body, or that the body is dealing with a lot of emotional or physical stress.
Magnesium plays a key role in controlling the level of inflammation in our bodies since it regulates so many cell functions.

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(Click Here), For a List of 18 Foods High in Magnesium

9 Ways to Cook With Fresh Turmeric

9 Ideas to Add Fresh Turmeric to Your MealsEveryone is talking about turmeric these days. Not only is this because it is very nutritious but also because studies have discovered that it can help ease pain and inflammation.

Turmeric is a perennial rhizome herb that grows well in most climates but is originally from South Asia, and it is part of the ginger family of plant species. Its roots are a deep orange/red color and contain many healing qualities. Most people use only the roots of the plant in their cooking. The roots are harvested during the rainy season and then they left to dry and are ground to a powder before use. Many traditional cultures in South Asia and the Middle East use turmeric in their everyday cooking as it adds wonderful flavor and color to any dish. Turmeric has also been used a natural dye to color fabrics to sew into many things.

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4 Tips to Relieve Stress

Stress and PainThe effects of stress are well known on our mental and emotional wellbeing. However, an important side effect of excessive stress, that is often overlooked, is its impact physically on our bodies. That being said, stress and pain have a very close association with one another. In other words: stress causes pain AND pain causes stress.

Therefore, a huge component of pain relief is stress management. Our bodies tell our brains when we are in pain by sending signals through our nervous system. But, stress affects our nervous system too. The medical director of the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Steven Stanos, DO, explains the only way we continue to function while in pain is due to our brain’s efforts of maintaining balance while receiving these pain signals. But unfortunately, when we’re stressed out our brain has a much more difficult time filtering through these signals and pain can increase. This stress-pain connection is something actively being researched but in the meantime it can be concluded that learning healthy ways to cope and minimize stress makes significant improvements in pain management.

Here are some ways to start combating that pain-increasing stress that no one wants: (Click Here) to Continue Reading

8 Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep

Natural Ways to Get Better SleepSleep is a critical part of our wellness and it plays a major role in our lives. I mean, you do it everyday, don’t you? But sleep disorders are a serious problem that can cause a rather vicious cycle, especially for those experiencing chronic pain. It has been revealed that pain is the top contributor to sleep disorders. In turn, disrupted sleep contributes to pain conditions. See the cycle? Luckily, there are many things you can do get better sleep at night:

  1. Stick to a schedule: Your biological clock thrives with consistency. Establishing a regular sleep schedule that has you wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday, all seven days of the week, improves your sleep immensely. Sticking to your body’s schedule optimizes the quality of your sleep, minimizes tossing and turning, and may even lead you to throw out your alarm clock!

  2. Stay away from the toxins: Stimulants, in all their forms, should be avoided if you’re concerned about your sleep routine. Nicotine and caffeine are only a couple of the widely used stimulants today. Smokers are approximately 4 times more likely to report not feeling well rested from a night’s sleep versus non-smokers. And caffeine, from all its sources, stays in your system approximately 8 hours. So you may want to consider quitting cigarettes and eliminating coffee after noon. Rewarding restful sleep may be worth the effort that it takes to make these changes.

  3. Journal:

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...After I applied it, Ivye told me to walk around a bit to see how I felt, then come back. I would not have believed it had it not happened to me, but my [pain] simply [was relieved].
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Cynthia - Virginia Beach, Virginia

This product is amazing , I tried a trial pkg on my neck area and my hand joints...full relief and I was so amazed . It is wonderful and I will be one of those to keep it in my home from now on!!!
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Glenda M. - Collinsville, Alabama

I love Realtime. I use it on my heel and my neck. It has taken a majority of my neck pain away and made it bearable.
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Carla - Windsor, New York

I was impressed! The first topical cream I felt any relief from...I'll be using it for when I over exert my back!
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Jill - Gas city, Indiana

My name is Eileen Peters and I am 68 years old...I have pain to some degree all of the time. When my daughter, Ginny Williams, started selling this product, I didn't think much of the hype. Finally I said okay send me some samples.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Eileen P - Moriston, Florida

I am from a small town and just had went and purchased SALONPAS and my local drug store that did not work and I had ordered RTPR and the sample came in the mail and I rubbed it on the back bend of my leg behind the knee and the pain left.
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Carolyn H. - Dandridge, Tennessee

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